Reviews, recommendations and ratings

Best sauna stoves

Some fans perceive a pair of Russian bath as relaxation for the body, others as a way of prevention of many diseases.

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Best Dietary Supplements

Supplements for immunity is particularly relevant in the season of colds and epidemics. In addition, the natural defense of the body weakens after surgery, chronic vitamin deficiency, concomitant diseases and presence of harmful habits.
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Best resorts in Russia

For many of us it's the holiday season, when you can both relax and recuperate after a year of work. Of course, I hope that these days were memorable. The ideal option is to arrange a trip to a resort with family or friends.

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Best shower cabins

Shower long been a way to energize the body and to restore the forces. A large number of property owners prefer the classic baths showers.

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The best mattress

The section presents the mattresses for a full-size adult beds. We have selected the best models, but they differ in type and content.

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Best lawn mowers

Caring for country and garden plots – a rather time-consuming and troublesome task. Every year more and more gardeners prefer automated tools.

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