10 of the most useful nuts

10 of the most useful nuts>

This product has become in recent years, more of a delicacy than a food capable of providing all the necessary for the full existence of substances.

The study of the chemical composition with the use of modern technology has allowed us to understand the wonderful properties of nuts, spread out the components on the shelves and explaining their favor.

Nutritional value of nuts is formed from several elements:

  • Fats. Their high content in the nuclei makes the product one of the most nutritious, but unlike animal fats, vegetable contain no cholesterol.
  • Proteins. Also a great alternative to animal food, for which nuts appreciate vegans and believers during lent.
  • Vitamins. Nuts contain both common and rare types of vitamins.
  • Other elements. Potassium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, zinc, selenium and many other macro - and micronutrients can be obtained from nuts.

Regular consumption of different types of nuclei helps to cope with fatigue, depression, stress, prevent the onset of various diseases and early aging, strengthen the immune system. And nuts are a great "feeding" for your brain, so they should be eaten with increased mental stress.

Each of us has a favourite species, but should not be limited to one or two options. Worth to try something new, because they all have specific properties, bringing benefits to the body. We have gathered in this top 10 the most useful nuts that you want to get to know.

There are contraindications, be sure to consult your doctor!


Open the rating of the fruits of South American herbaceous plants, called "groundnuts", which is firmly entrenched behind them. Although in reality the plant belongs to legumes and Botanical point of view, the walnut is not. It is made not only desserts, drinks, pasta, oil, but even the printing inks and pharmaceuticals, and proteins contained in beans, used in the manufacture of glue and plastics.

It is inexpensive, nutritious, tasty and healthy product. It contains vitamins E, A, PP, group b, and amino acids, fats and choline, involved in the structure of the cells. The fruit of the plant is 53% consists of oil. This is a great snack, no wonder it was used by travelers in long journeys.

Peanuts leads to normal blood sugar levels, increases immunity, stimulates the efficiency of the brain, improves concentration, memory and digestion. However, remember that it is the most allergenic of the nuts. Also to peanuts not to have much having joint disease.


When it comes to pine nuts, curious minds are awaiting trick – treat has no relation to the real cedar (their fruits in the food). The seeds of cedar pine, which is often called Siberian cedar.

The fruit of the stone pine of approximately 76% consists of fat, what allows make them nourishing cream, not inferior to cow. Regular consumption of nuts reduces the risk of tuberculosis, our ancestors treated them gastric diseases, and shell women rinsed my hair, to give them strength, Shine and brown hue.

When buying, remember that in contact with air, oxidizes, so buy peanuts in the shell better.


A native of Australia, macadamia is the most nutritious and the most expensive of nuts. It is composed of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. Macadamia has a high content of beneficial to the human body monosaturated fatty acids that strengthen the blood vessels and reducing the risk of heart diseases. Regular consumption of nuts improves blood clotting and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Part of vitamin B1 normalizes the nervous and digestive systems. B2 is necessary for healthy skin, nails, hair, and thyroid. B6 supports the immune system, responsible for the formation of red blood cells, good appetite, no anemia. Nuts also contains vitamin C and powerful antioxidant vitamin E, which is the basis of the normal functioning of our body. Of minerals in the composition are present: potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc.

The Australian nut is present monounsaturated palmitic acid, which is almost impossible to obtain from other plants. It is believed that it slows the aging process.


Pecan is one of the first in the list the caloric content (72% from fats) and content components creating the cells protection from oxidative stress. To the pecans, the researchers used the definition of "excessive", saying the content of vitamin E and other antioxidants. But it contains other vitamins, minerals and proteins that promote the normal functioning of the human body.

If you believe scientific studies, regular consumption of pecans, reduced the number of ischemia and cancer, less chance of developing diabetes. Studies have found that pecans can reduce mortality by 22%. In Mexico from crushed cores and water taken to prepare a nourishing milk; it is given to children and the elderly.


Sixth place is another fruit of the plant that are not in the Botanical sense the nut. But this does not prevent him to take this step and used in cooking. The fruits grow on trees-centenarians kind of Bertholetia grown in the pristine forests of the Amazon and other rivers. From the moment of pollination to ripening of seeds is 14 months.

Brazilians call the seeds of potassium chlorate tree "chestnuts from para", and for high energy value, they are called vegetable meat. But not only fats, proteins and vitamins attract fans of healthy eating. A Pair of chestnut – a champion of the content of selenium, a substance that reduces the growth rate of malignant tumors. 100 grams of the product of the number of selenium exceed the daily rate more than 25 times.

The fruit help to strengthen the immune system, reduce the pressure, remove heavy metals, prevent the formation of plaque, to normalize metabolism. Walnut is recommended to use in adolescence (synthesizes growth hormone), students (improves concentration, stress resistance), athletes (increases effectiveness of training), the elderly (slows down the development of senile diseases).


Fifth place belongs to pistachios, surrounded by a halo of deceit. A small tree on which nuts grow, able to poison the person allocated essential oils, so the gathering is done at night.

The fruit is not stored for more than a year, so how quickly you lose the taste and nutritional quality, so producers have resorted to all sorts of stratagems to cover the changed taste. For example, I do not regret for pistachios salt to extend their shelf life. Also remember that reddish pistachios does not happen in the course is the dye to make the product marketable.

Nuts harvested in August, it is necessary to consider at purchase. In addition to the standard set of useful substances, they distinguished three components of iron, potassium and phytosterols. In 100 g of product contains about three daily allowance of iron, and the presence of phytosterols gives it the ability to reduce cholesterol levels and prevent the development of cancer. The potassium content is also high, which positively affects the psychological state, because this element is able to suppress the "stress hormone" – cortisol.


The winner of the fourth place can boast some amazing facts about yourself but his "family tree" arouses curiosity. Hazelnuts are called exclusively fruit, it grows on a tree or shrub, which is called the walnut, the filbert and the hazel belongs to the genus of birch.

Nuclei contain magnesium, which helps to maintain optimal calcium level in the cells, which reduces the strain in the muscles, prevents muscle fatigue and cramps. Effective folk remedy, strengthens the body and improves resistance to diseases, especially colds, – hazelnuts with honey. Also, this mixture has a high nutritional value and helps to recover from debilitating diseases, exhaustion.

Hazelnut stimulates physical and mental activity, improves male strength, stress resistance, slows aging, improves the appearance, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer. It has a high nutritional value, is composed of a large set of useful elements (vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, proteins). Oil extracted from hazelnuts, never dries up.


Cashew nut – hook at the bottom of the Apple with tender juicy flesh, which in the countries of cultivation used for food. It makes juice, jams, desserts. A "hook" to gently clean, conduct heat treatment to destroy toxic substance, covering the core, and sent in sale.

Cashews are a source of unsaturated fatty acids omega 3-6-9, b vitamins, potassium, zinc, selenium, iron and other useful components. Good news for people who adhere to diets for weight loss: this is one of the most low-calorie nuts. Fat only about 45%. But he stands by the content of magnesium a handful of nuts is able to provide the body with approximately 70% of this element per day, which is beneficial to the state of muscles, enhancing performance.

The chemical composition of walnut is so diverse that it has a positive effect on the entire body from the condition of muscles to the prevention of heart disease and diabetes.

There is a perception that cashew is best to drink mineral water — these two products are enhanced each other.


Second place – the most popular and useful of nuts. In Botanical terms it is the fruit-a drupe. The ancient Babylonians believed due to similarity of appearance with the brain, the fruit make people smarter, so they were forbidden to eat ordinary people. And in Ancient Greece they were called "acorns of the gods."

It is believed that if every day to eat one nut, lower the risk of developing atherosclerosis. With "American gods" made people's strengthening products – they are mixed with honey, egg yolks, aloe, cocoa. A distinctive feature of the fruit is its high content of iron and iodine is an excellent prevention for the thyroid gland. For medicinal purposes use the leaves, walls and a green shell, and from shell made activated carbon.


The first place winner gets the almond. And Yes, again, it's not a nut. This time the Botanical classification of the plant refers to the genus of plums, so its closest relatives are plum and peaches. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, monounsaturated fats product is beneficial to the immune system, CNS, liver, and other organs.

Almonds – record the content of vitamin E, a valuable antioxidant. Also, vitamin E is responsible for the health and beauty of hair, nails, skin. Plus it activates contained in the composition of almond flavonoids. But the most interesting is that regular consumption of fruits reduces the risk to transfer a heart attack about 2 times. Walnut is recommended for people with heart problems, but if the heart rate is non-standard, constant use can harm. Almonds are particularly useful for older people, and not just good for the heart. It is proved that it helps to cope with senile dementia and Alzheimer's.

Despite all the beneficial properties, almonds contain cyanide, so avoid eating raw fruits and bitter varieties because you can get poisoned.

Going to the store, it is worth remembering that nuts often cause allergic reactions, so it is recommended to try a new variety carefully, PA 1-2 thing, watching the reaction.

Despite the usefulness of each of the types, there are several components that are particularly rich in certain types of cores:

  • Magnesium. Deficiency of this element is to pay attention to cashews and hazelnuts.
  • Omega 3-6-9. The lack of these acids will help to fill the cashews.
  • Iron. A large amount of this mineral is contained in walnuts and pistachios.
  • Iodine. It is also found in walnuts.
  • Vitamin E. it and other antioxidant-rich almonds and pecans.
  • Selenium. A lot of selenium is Brazil nuts.
  • Potassium. A sufficient number of element is contained in pistachios.
  • Monounsaturated palmitic acid. It is a rare component can be found in macadamia.

When selecting nuts you should, first and foremost, focus on the appearance. Core should be dry, intact, uniform color, characteristic of its kind, no stains, mold, cracks, spots of unknown origin. Try to avoid bitter kernels, with an unpleasant odor.


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