The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men>
The best vitamins for men

Some men neglect vitamin complexes or do not use them regularly. It is often due to constant exposure to stress many of them suffer from a vitamin deficiency. If lack of nutrients is deteriorating immune defense, reduced energy, subject to early old age. Therefore, for health and vitality at any age men are required to regularly take vitamin preparations.

The correct approach to choosing vitamins

Deciding to take vitamins, don't need to buy the first complex. The choice of drugs need podhodit consciously, to take into account many nuances to the purchased drug has really benefited. Especially important parameters are age, underlying disease, diet, and characteristics of lifestyle.

Now in the pharmaceutical market a variety of complexes of domestic and foreign production. Some are designed to prevent diseases, promote elimination of the existing problems. Choosing a specific complex, you need to consider that not always the country of production and the high price say about the reliability and quality of the drug. Many Russian vitamins are not worse foreign analogues.

Also, do not unconditionally trust advertising, and to buy a well-known product.

Before buying the drug it is advisable to consult with your doctor and build on its recommendations. If the tool choose yourself, you need to purchase to examine the characteristics, see the release date and the expiration date. Especially carefully it is necessary to study composition. You may find that some items are not suitable, and need not.

For men, eating balanced, no need to choose the right treatment that covers the daily norm of some element completely. It is better to choose those that provide half of the required daily norm.

Essential vitamins for men

It is a mistake to think that men and women fit the same multivitamin. Experts point out several vitamins and minerals that are needed for men. In the required list includes:

  • Vitamin a, prevents the formation of malignant tumors, activates the production of testosterone, positively affecting sexual potency.
  • B vitamins improve the eyesight and the nervous system, have positive effects on the urinary organs.
  • Ascorbic acid cleanses the body of harmful cholesterol, especially recommended for smokers.
  • Tocopherol strengthens the vascular wall, improves potency and provide the body with energy.

The need of the male body tocopherol is 22.5 mg. of Ascorbic acid need 60 mg, and vitamin a is required 3 mg. it is Not necessary to take drugs in which increased iron content. Its excess is bad for the heart muscle and worsen the condition of blood vessels.

Age features

For men under 40 years are more suitable complexes, activating the production of the protein. These medicines help to strengthen muscles, normalize hormonal balance and improve the quality of sperm. The medications should be vitamins A, E and B.

After 40 years, men are more necessary ascorbic acid and tocopherol, vitamins a and B9. They help to prolong youth and slow age-related breakdown of cells.

When you reach 50 years and older age men need ascorbic acid, tocopherol, vitamins a and B12. They prevent infection and prolong youthfulness of the tissues. They also help to maintain the normal state of potency. To maintain heart health, maintaining strong bone tissue at this age need vitamin D.

The young men vitamins are necessary only for prevention. But as they grow older the question of the choice of drugs should be approached consciously. Then in the elderly less likelihood of developing serious diseases. To begin to regularly take vitamin complexes need in middle age.

Directed vitamin complexes

Preparations containing vitamins, macro - and micronutrients, are usually directed. In the preventive purposes will normally take a complexes with a high content of b vitamins and ascorbic acid.

For men who lead an active lifestyle and doing sports regularly, are suitable complexes with selenium, vitamins A, b, C, E, and D. the People of intellectual labor, often protoplasma, prone to stress or are you depressed, are suitable preparations with a high content of vitamins of group B.

For people with problems in the reproductive sphere suitable complexes with tocopherol. Additionally, this drug should be selenium and zinc. These substances are useful to normalize sexual life.

For problems with the skin, hair loss and hair breakage will help tools with a high content of vitamin H. they need to take every day. You will also need drugs Wellness activities to improve immune defense.

A list of the best vitamin complex for men

Duovit for men

The drug is available in Slovenia, is a line of b-vitamin complex well-known pharmaceutical company KRKA. It contains rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, b vitamins, magnesium, iodine, zinc, manganese, iron. The tool eliminates the disadvantage of these substances in the male body. Contraindications to the drug is hypersensitivity, children up to age 10 years. Sometimes on the background of the drug may be the reaction high sensitivity to the components. At constant reception of this complex increases testosterone synthesis, improves potency and overall health, increases efficiency.

  • strengthens immune defenses;
  • the first results are already visible after a week of regular use;
  • enough a single dose a day;
  • for the full course will last one packing;
  • reasonable price.
  • not found.

The cost of the drug ranges from 290 rubles.

Alphabet for men

The structure of this vitamin complex consists of 13 important vitamins, including rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic and folic acid, b vitamins, D, K, N. it also includes 9 minerals – zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, calcium, iodine, chromium. Additionally, the drug is included organic acids, carotenoids, Siberian ginseng extract.

In the package there are pills of three colors, separated by time of appointment. This form helps better absorption of nutrients. The drug improves brain activity, physical activity, maintain in good condition the potency. For intake of this vitamin complex has some contraindications: hypersensitivity to some substances, thyroid dysfunction, high blood pressure, insomnia, high nervous excitability. Sometimes the drug causes an allergic reaction.

  • small tablet size is convenient to take;
  • substances are separated for better absorption;
  • reasonable price.
  • the low efficacy of the drug;
  • uncomfortable regimen;
  • sometimes there is nausea.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 440 rubles.


The basis of the product manufactured by the company Evalar, are herbal ingredients: ginger, yohimbe, Eurycoma. Also included an extract from deer antlers, tocopherol, zinc, nicotinamide. Due to such structure, the drug activates the synthesis of testosterone, maintains potency and improves reproductive function. On sale occurs in the form of capsules and liquid concentrate. It can be taken only by adult men. The drug is the only contraindication – idiosyncrasy of the ingredients. Sometimes it can be adverse reactions in the form of allergic rashes. The concentrate is diluted before taking in any liquid. The course is 15 days.

  • well improves sexual function in men;
  • increases the synthesis of testosterone.
  • provoke palpitations;
  • may be confused;
  • sometimes tremors;
  • increases in blood pressure;
  • high cost.

The price of the drug ranges from 650 rubles.


The structure of this vitamin complex also includes rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, vitamins of group In, N, K, and D. it Also contains the minerals phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iodine, Nickel, selenium, molybdenum, chromium, boron, vanadium and silicon. This medicine is designed for men, whose age exceeds 50 years. Vitamin complex helps to recover after a long illness. It strengthens the body's immune defenses, prevents age-related changes and reduces the likelihood of common diseases – osteoporosis, diabetes, heart attack, atherosclerosis, and stroke.

  • increases efficiency;
  • improves mood;
  • the absence of side effects;
  • convenient regimen.
  • it is difficult to buy;
  • expensive drug.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 650 rubles.


Vitamin complex on sale occurs in the form of capsules. It includes 13 vitamins, including rutin, tocopherol, ascorbic and folic acids, vitamins b, H and H1. Also it includes 9 minerals – manganese, copper, iodine, iron, chromium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, silicon. In addition, the tool is enriched with amino acids, beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, extract of ginseng root and other plant ingredients.

The tool has a complex action. It is recommended to take with high mental or physical workload. It relieves fatigue, improves concentration. Also it is useful to drink for fast recovery from illness, courses of chemotherapy. It removes dizziness, migraines, tinnitus and other symptoms of impaired blood supply to the brain.

  • increase efficiency;
  • the reduction of tiredness and fatigue;
  • the preservation of vitality throughout the day;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • the first improvements are noticeable after a week of regular use;
  • convenient regimen.
  • sometimes the increase in efficiency is not observed;
  • provokes dizziness and pressure surges;
  • is nausea and pain in the stomach;
  • high cost.

Average vitamin is from 620 rubles.

Mans Formula Potential Forte

It's not really a vitamin, but rather a biological additive. It includes only natural ingredients that provide exceptional benefit men's body. Among the ingredients, ginseng root, arginine, zinc, yohimbe, and other useful for men's health substance. Remedy fully compensates the deficit of useful substances and is suitable to receive every day. Mans Formula Potential Forte has a positive effect on the nervous system, improves immune protection. With the constant use of remedy eases stress, gives strength, improves brain function and promotes physical activity.

  • vitamins do not have contraindications;
  • improves the reproductive function;
  • supports potency;
  • has a pleasant taste.
  • for positive effect you need to take a long time;
  • the capsules are large in size and inconvenient if swallowed;
  • high cost.

Price vitamin supplements is 790 rubles.

Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men

This vitamin complex consists of natural ingredients. It is designed for men who engage in daily physical activity and sports. It is especially recommended for athletes involved in powerlifting, bodybuilding and other sports power of direction. The product contains nutrients such as b vitamins, iodine, zinc, Biotin, ascorbic acid. The composition of vitamin supplements are designed so that triggers the muscle mass growth, improves the condition of the nervous system, makes active protective forces of the male body.

  • the tool is available in a convenient form;
  • it consists of amino acids;
  • valid for a short period of time.
  • high price;
  • rarely found in pharmacies.

The average cost of vitamin supplements is 1590 rubles

Wellman Tricologic

As you can immediately understand from the name of the drug, its main purpose is to combat hair loss. Although the tool is not cheap, the opinion of buyers and trichologists about him only positive. Advantage of this tool is called the rapid onset of effect. Slowing the loss of hairs occurs within 3 weeks from the start of the reception. But at the same time active growth of new hair you need to wait a very long time. Is not less than six months, before starting to recover the density of hair.

  • one pack contains the correct number of tablets for the full course;
  • trichologists speak positively about the action of vitamins;
  • pleasant to the taste;
  • small size;
  • minimum number of contraindications;
  • quickly a result.
  • dear;
  • rare in the sale.

The average price of vitamins is from 1160 rubles.

Ascorbic acid tonic

This vitamin and mineral remedy has no analogues in the number necessary for the body ingredients. In the composition of ascorbic acid tonic contains 13 vitamins and 17 micro - and macroelements, among which the very rare tin, Nickel, and vanadium. Also the tool is enriched with herbal adaptogens, for example, schisandra berry and extract of ginseng root.

Ascorbic acid tonic is prescribed to take regularly to get rid of the deficiency of certain elements, as well as for healing the body men, giving vitality, eliminate sexual impotence. Additionally it is recommended to take in the treatment of asthenic syndrome in the recovery period after heavy diseases. Tonic take ascorbic acid every day for two months.

  • a huge number of useful elements in the composition;
  • a balanced medicine.
  • a large list of contraindications;
  • can't drink at night;
  • cannot be taken with other medications together.

The average price of a vitamin complex is 680 rubles.

Animal Pak Universal Nutrition

The complex is designed for men engaged in power sports and regularly experiencing peak load. The complex includes 12 vitamins and 10 minerals. It also has protein, 19 essential amino acids, substances antioxidant action, stimulators of metabolism, adaptogens. The remedy is taken every day during Breakfast.

  • the complex includes all the necessary for muscle building and energy.
  • the structure includes digestive enzymes to facilitate digestion;
  • the complex is suitable for very high loads.
  • high cost;
  • possible Allergy to the individual components.

The average price of the complex is 2600 rubles.


The structure of this vitamin complex chemicals necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and its quick recovery. It is based on the b vitamins – thiamin, pyridoxine hydrochloride, cyanocobalamin. The tool improves nutrition of brain cells, promotes the conduction of nerve impulses. It can be used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, as well as to relieve the consequences of alcohol abuse.

  • vitamins act selectively only on the nervous system;
  • less than other means of allergic reactions;
  • no side effects.
  • does not make up for the lack of other elements.

The average cost of Neuromultivit is from 400 rubles.

Doppelgerts Asset Antistress

Vitamin Supplement produced by well-known German company Queisser Pharma contains a number of b vitamins, folic and Pantothenic acids, Biotin. The right combination and amount of ingredients are so that initially, the body restores the number of those nutrients that are consumed first when the stress response of the body. Therefore, it is necessary to drink the men, who are often forced to make important decisions, are in a difficult situation.

  • low price;
  • convenient regimen;
  • well-chosen combination of components;
  • rarely develop hypersensitivity to the components.
  • it is not revealed.

The average price of packing from 370 rubles.

Doppelgerts Asset Phytocomplex for prostate

The phytocomplex acts aimed at the prostate tissue. It reduces inflammation, normalizes urination. Among the components included the oil from pumpkin seeds contain high amounts of tocopherol. Also it contains extract of nettle leaf reduces inflammation and narrowing blood vessels. Thanks to the useful part, after regular intake of vitamins returns to normal urination. The product contains tocopherol, exerting a marked antioxidant effect. It is useful to take men of Mature age to prevent problems with the prostate gland or to treat existing disease. The course is 60 days one capsule.

  • directed to reduce inflammation and pathological processes;
  • the recommendation to engage in Mature and middle age for the treatment of diseases and prevention.
  • the drug alone can not cope with prostatitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The average price of the complex is 330 rubles.

Dr. Theiss Gerovital

Form of issue of this means is a liquid elixir. Thanks to this tool quickly digested and completely makes up for the lack of useful minerals. As a result of receiving funds aktiviziruyutsya cellular respiration, normalizes the metabolism, prevented the development of anemia. Elixir is recommended to take men with hypertension, depression, and anxiety state. It contains 11 essential for health vitamin, extracts from leaves and berries of hawthorn, motherwort extract. Additionally, it helps strengthen immune defense.

  • the liquid form allows you to better absorb nutrients;
  • reasonable cost means;
  • high quality.
  • a large amount of alcohol in the composition;
  • there are contraindications.

The average price is 350 roubles.

NameManufacturerBrief characteristics
1Duovit for menKRKA, SloveniaUniversal composition
2Alphabet for menRustic, RussiaThe best digestibility
3ParityEvalar, RussiaImproving sexual function in men
4SpectrumWALMARK, Czech RepublicFor men over 50
5WellmanIntegrated action for men of any age
6Mans Formula Potential ForteFarmamed, USAImproving sexual function in men
7Optimum Nutrition Opti-MenOptimum Nutrition, USAFor men involved in sports
8Wellman TricologicWellman, EnglandAgainst hair loss
9Ascorbic acid tonicSagmel, USAThe richest part of the
10Animal Pak Universal NutritionUniversal Nutrition, USAFor men engaged in power sports
11VALEANT, RussiaFor the normalization of the nervous system
12Doppelgerts Asset AntistressQueisser Pharma, GermanyFor the normalization of the nervous system
13Doppelgerts Asset Phytocomplex for prostateQueisser Pharma, GermanyFor the normalization of sexual function of men
14Dr. Theiss GerovitalDr. Goodman Naturvaren GmbH, GermanyFor normalization of work of heart and nervous system

The presented list does not cover all the possible vitamins that can improve the condition of the men. But these drugs in this can compensate for a deficiency of most nutrients, improve health and contribute to the treatment of many diseases.


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