15 best vitamins for teenagers

15 best vitamins for teenagers>

Health one of the main daily tasks of each person, especially the teenager. At the age of 11-18 years, the processes of physical and mental development occur particularly active, so without a constant supply of nutrients is not enough. Lack of vitamins can cause serious health problems.



Feature in the ranking

The best vitamins for teenagers 7-14 years

1Supradin Kids JuniorThe best efficiency and composition
2MULTI-TABS JUNIORA universal tool. Improves mood and is not addictive
3Doppelgerts Kinder Omega-3High quality. Proven manufacturer
4JungleExcellent efficiency. Bright form
5Be healthy from A to ZnThe complexity of influence. Affordable price

The best vitamins for teenagers 14-16 years

1Vitrum JuniorThe best result
2Pikovit Forte 7+The safest vitamins. Increased concentration of vitamin b
3Alphabet StudentA balanced course
4COMPLIVIT ASSETA competent staff. A simple regimen
5Evalar Zinc + vitamin CAntiviral. Combating age-related skin changes

The best vitamins for older adolescents: 16-18 years

1Alphabet Of A TeenagerThe best digestibility
2Doppelgerts asset d/eye with lutein and bilberryThe balanced composition
3Nature's Plus Power-TeenVegetarian product. Gluten free
4Lecithin triple strengthPronounced anti-stress effect
5UndevitBest price

Useful complexes are capable of help to cope with the difficulties associated with gender maturation, hormonal changes, diet, stressful situations. Proven tools are sold usually only in pharmacies. However, their diversity can confuse even the most "savvy" buyers. To determine the selection of vitamins, we recommend you to use a number of criteria:

  1. The tool must be manufactured for adolescence. Adult vitamins are not suitable.
  2. The complex should match the child's age and his physical condition. The drugs are selected according to age (younger or older adolescents). Can be aimed at dealing with specific problems of the body: a decrease in vision, excessive weight, or, conversely, its shortage, diabetes and others.
  3. We pay special attention to the composition. Children under 18 need to daily elements such as: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and iron.
  4. It is desirable that the vitamin was Allergy-free.
  5. To buy Supplement should exclusively in pharmacies, the manufacturer should be popular and with good reputation.

To determine the best products, in addition to these characteristics, we studied a simple feedback buyers. Based on them, and the experts, we have selected the known and trusted vitamin complexes, which are placed in a ranking in accordance with the age of adolescents.

There are contraindications. Talk to your doctor.

The best vitamins for teenagers 7-14 years

Adaptation to the new environment and the more saturated rhythm during the beginning of school life requires, first and foremost, care about the immune system of a teenager. Such action must have the vitamins of this group.

5 Be healthy from A to Zn

The complexity of influence. Affordable price
Country: Russia
Average price: 144 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.7

Vitamin complex from Vneshtorg Farma, which is characterized by a rich composition of active ingredients. This combination of vitamins and minerals tailored to the needs of students. Active substances protect the body from viruses and microbes, have an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, stimulates growth and regulates metabolism.

4 Jungle

Excellent efficiency. Bright form
Country: Russia
Average price: 180 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

The product contains 10 essential vitamins, including A, b (1/2/6/12), C, D and E. Available in the form of elastic tablets depicting colorful figures of animals. In the package of 30 or 100 pieces. With 7 years of age daily dose is 2 tablets. The main action of the drug, strengthening the immune system, normalization of exchange processes and elimination of beriberi.

The feedback buyers have high protective properties of vitamin complex during colds. Students like the sweet taste and original form of pills. Parents appreciate the excellent efficacy of vitamins the Jungle, their ability to relieve fatigue, normalize appetite and stimulate the growth of adolescents.

3 Doppelgerts Kinder Omega-3

High quality. Proven manufacturer
Country: Germany
Average price: 612 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.9

The vitamin complex consists of omega-3 fats, which have a pronounced immunostimulant and antioxidant effects on the body of a teenager. The main active ingredient of Pufas (polyunsaturated fatty acids) helps to cope with the new style of school life. The drug improves memory, pays attention, helps to cope with emotional and physical stress.

In the reviews of the capsules there is a lack of side effects and an excellent digestibility of the drug. Confidence is also a cause proven manufacturer with the best quality vitamin complexes. Kinder omega-3 is a great choice for younger school-age children, optimal protection and support of the growing organism.


A universal tool. Improves mood and is not addictive
Country: Italy
Average price: 659 RUB.
Rating (2021): 5.0

Chewing tablets "Multi-tabs the Junior" have a pleasant fruity taste and helps to maintain the adequate balance of nutrients in the human body. It is a versatile drug that can be used for both children and adults, you just have to adjust the dosage under the age of the patient. For teenagers 10-11 years, the norm is 1 table. a day. Maximum results seen after 30 days of treatment, then you can take a break and if necessary repeat the treatment.

Judging by the reviews of parents "Multi-tabs the Junior" can very positively affect the health of the child. After a month of the course most students have become less susceptible to seasonal viral diseases. The children also had decreased fatigue and improved General emotional background. Vitamins are not addictive and have no side effect. In some cases, may cause allergic reactions associated with individual intolerance of components.

1 Supradin Kids Junior

The best efficiency and composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 636 RUB.
Rating (2021): 5.0

One of the popular drugs, won the love of buyers – supradin. In addition to the basic elements, it includes minerals and lecithin, without which it is simply impossible to some chemical reactions at the cellular level. Thanks to the lecithin normalizes the nervous, digestive and cardiovascular systems. This is the main advantage Supradin on similar complexes.

Choline improves brain activity. Calcium is responsible for a locomotorium, substances omega-3 contribute to the proper intellectual and psihoemotsyonalnah development. It is noticed that the tool restores power, improves the condition of skin, hair and nails, compensates the lack of vitamins. Allergy to the drug is rare. Some parents say that the best support of the complex is not met.

The best vitamins for teenagers 14-16 years

Since 14 years, the body of a teenager must learn to cope with different workloads – both mental while diving in the Sciences, and physical sports in the classroom and in extracurricular time. For this you need to choose the vitamins that will be able to provide a comprehensive action by activating the natural protective functions and most revealing potential of the young organism.

5 vitamins Zinc + vitamin C

Antiviral. Combating age-related skin changes
Country: Russia
Average price: 218 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

The presence in the complex of zinc helps to strengthen the nails and hair of teenagers, during hormonal changes, but also has a positive effect on the nervous system. Properties of vitamin C lead to increased resistance to viral and infectious diseases.

For reviews of buyers, the agent is active and influenza a firming action, stimulates the immune system. Complex the problem is also coping with the elimination of age-related skin problems in the form of acne, pimples, and acne. Zinc + vitamin C – the best protection from seasonal SARS and safe way to maintain the beauty of the body.


A competent staff. A simple regimen
Country: Russia
Average price: 382 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

"Complivit Active" recommended for use by teenagers who suffer from the consequences of poor diet, experience increased mental and physical exertion, or live in regions with unfavorable ecological conditions. The only contraindication is the presence of allergic reactions to the components included in the composition of vitamins and high content of calcium and iron in the child's body.

3 Alphabet Student

A balanced course
Country: Russia
Average price: 360 roubles
Rating (2021): 4.9

Chewable tablets are recommended to receive the students of 12-13 years. The special formula increases stamina and immunity, strengthens the nervous system, helps to transfer exercise. Daily the complex is divided into 3 admission: morning, afternoon, evening. Each tablet has a specific composition, which is quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

The alphabet does not contain flavorings and colorings. Feedback is noted as advantages. Thanks to the vitamins A, B, C, the drug suitable for the prevention of anemia, rickets and diseases of the teeth. There are contraindications, they are listed in the annotation. It is impossible to prevent overdose. Otherwise, vitamin complex provides tangible assistance to the teenager in a difficult period.

2 Pikovit Forte 7+

The safest vitamins. Increased concentration of vitamin b
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 317 RUB.
Rating (2021): 5.0

Parents are satisfied with the Supplement. I like that the product does not cause adverse reactions. In the reviews they write that after taking Pikovit has improved markedly as children. They are less likely to get sick, improved memory, decreased fatigue, I became cheerful and mood. Teenagers are easier to tolerate stressful situations. Buyers are confident in the quality and safety of the drug.

1 Vitrum Junior

The best result
Country: USA
Average price: 450 RUB.
Rating (2021): 5.0

The drug has a wide distribution in pharmacy chains. This is one of the most popular complexes. One tablet contains the daily norm of all necessary macro and micronutrients needed by children at the age of 13 years. During this period, the teenager carries a high mental and nervous tension. To cope with them helps me. It should be noted that the additive has successfully passed all clinical trials and everywhere have shown good results.

Vitamins like for what you can give them to children with allergic diseases. The views of parents prove that the tool gives a significant result. During the application of the teenager is perseverance, care and discipline. The child gets up in the morning easier, faster to make lessons more emotionally restrained. Consumers boldly suggest Vitrum Junior to purchase.

The best vitamins for older adolescents: 16-18 years

At age 16-18 years had the peak of puberty, which is accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. In this period, to give preference to vitamins, specifically applicable to individual problems in the health of the teenager, supporting and activating its natural strength and capabilities.

5 Undevit

Best price
Country: Russia
Average price: 50 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.7

The drug-based multivitamin. In the composition of a well seasoned balance of b vitamins and vitamins A, C, E and R that provides the maximum opening of the properties of each component. Proven effectiveness in hypovitaminosis, to recover from antibiotic treatment and to improve metabolism.

According to customer reviews, the drug is most effective at the lowest price. Suitable as a therapeutic and supportive therapy during the high psychological and physical stress, provides high anti-inflammatory and antioxidant protection of the body of a teenager of 16-18 years.

4 Lecithin triple strength

Pronounced anti-stress effect
Country: United Kingdom
Average price: 740 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

Lecithin, representing the active substance of the drug performs antioxidant and conductive function. This is responsible for its pronounced effect in disorders of the nervous system. Receiving a course of tablets perfectly improves memory, pays attention, has a restorative effect on all body systems. Soy lecithin also has a positive effect on the liver.

The pills are adolescents aged 16 years helps to reduce fatigue and easier to carry different emotional loads, characteristic for this life period. Customers noted positive results in the form of increased energy, improved skin condition, quick relieve nervous tension.

3 Nature's Plus Power-Teen

Vegetarian product. Gluten free
Country: USA
Average price: 2 620 RUB.
Rating (2021): 4.8

Drugs American brand Nature's Plus is well-known to all adherents of a healthy lifestyle. The company's range includes more than 1000 names of different dietary Supplements, among which not last place is given to vitamins for children and teenagers. One of the best products in this category can without exaggeration be called the food Supplement "Strongest teenager", which promotes proper physical and mental development of young people 16-18 years. The complex is free of gluten and animal fats, so it can safely be consumed by people with celiac disease and those who adhere to a vegetarian menu.

Unfortunately, this tool is not supplied to the Russian pharmacy chain. It can be bought only at specialized sites (e.g., ru.iherb.com). Therefore, despite many positive characteristics, we cannot give Nature's Plus Power-Teen is a more prestigious place in our ranking. Although, judging by the reviews, its effectiveness is highly commendable.

2 Doppelgerts asset d/eye with lutein and bilberry

The balanced composition
Country: Germany
Average price: 91 RUB
Rating (2021): 4.9

High loads of graduating classes and the period of admission to Universities requires many hours of training teenagers for textbooks and computers. This load can have a negative impact on vision. It is to prevent this issue and developed a vitamin complex based on lutein and bilberry. In order to achieve therapeutic effect it is recommended to drink several courses of vitamin that will also guarantee the duration and the reliability of the result.

Apart from improving vision and relieving the eye fatigue with the buyers note a marked restorative effect on the body of a teenager. The advantages also include good balanced composition, a convenient form of release and a noticeable benefit from taking Doppelgerts asset d/eyes.

1 The Alphabet Of A Teenager

The best digestibility
Country: Russia
Average price: 375 RUB.5.0

This complex of vitamins is very popular among buyers. It is based on a special development. Experts have studied what substances and how they interact among themselves. For example, some components help in better absorption of other. On the basis of these results, created the Alphabet. The basic structure formed vitamin D and calcium that children aged 16-18.

The particular advantage of consumers believe the absence of chemical dyes and preservatives. Reviews noted the excellent idea of scientists: the division of nutrients in three groups depending on digestibility. Alphabet of a Teenager contributes to the maintenance of immunity, the full-fledged work of hormonal and nervous systems, improve condition of the skin. Plus, it has a reasonable price.


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