Novice aquarist

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  • 5Novice aquarist
Novice aquarist>

My first aquarium. General questions on equipment.

How to choose fish for aquarium?

Как выбрать рыбу для аквариума?

Today, many beginning aquarists are wondering what kind of fish they would like to contain. Before starting the new inhabitants to the aquarium should be good to pick their composition. When selecting fish it is necessary to consider the conditions of her detention. Before buying a new inhabitant you should know about: the temperature of the habitat, water hardness, compatibility with other species, displacement of one or more individuals. All these little things will be manifested in the disease of your wards, if you ignore them. Before your home will arrive aquarium fish, they need to prepare in advance housing. As homes naturally will aquarium. The aquarium should be spacious and have all the necessary equipment. Also it must be run according to the rules. Don't bring the fish until your tank is not turned at least two weeks. This is due to the fact that before the inhabitants in the aquarium should settle the biological balance. Also at this time, is the nitrogen cycle and the aquarium Matures. Pioneers should be unpretentious viviparous. Two weeks after starting release into the underwater world 2-3 guppies. If fish feel good for the next week, you can slowly start the fish you had planned.

Now let's talk about the dimensions of fish. Your Pets should be a lot of places to swim, places to hide and more. For example, if it is som then he needs underwater snags and deciduous plants. If a flock of small fish such as neons and Danio, then they need to release the foreground of the aquarium to have a place where to swim. The volume of water on one individual is usually calculated depending on the size of the adult. If the adult fish grows to 3-4 cm, then it needs 3-4 liters of water, 6-8 cm – more than 10 liters. But this rule does not apply to larger fish, and schooling. Fish from 10 to 15 cm is usually necessary 50 liters on the tail. But remember that no one is forbidden to bring to her neighbors of other species. Main thing is to avoid overpopulation, and fish is not delayed. The tightening of the fish occurs due to improper content. If a large fish grow in a small volume, her body will be wrecked and life is clearly reduced. The volume of a pack is also calculated from the value of the fish, but it takes the whole pack at once.

In every home the underwater world needs to be fish that help to clean the walls of aquariums, soil and plants. As such fish are successful catfish with suction cups. When choosing a territorial benthic fish, remember that she also needs the volume for a good life.

Aquarium decoration, the choice of plants

Оформление аквариума, выбор растений

By purchasing an aquarium, it is very important take care in advance of styling. To obtain a sort of depth perception in the design of the aquarium, it is extremely important to use plants. It doesn't have to be huge, tall plants, if of course, you don't want to make the decor of the hills or mountain terraces that are overgrown with moss.

In that case, if you don't settle in the aquarium, driftwood, and stones, without high-growing plants you can not do. Plants of this species planted by the group in the back wall of the aquarium, will be able to create a stunning backdrop.

Low growing plants are desirable to be planted near a front wall of the aquarium, so you will be able to get a wonderful foreground. The distance between the front and rear of the plants will determine the depth perception of aquarium decoration.

Decoration for aquarium can be purchased in various pet stores and available at online stores.

Do not be afraid to experiment with color schemes and sizes of plants. In that case, if the aquarium is not big size 60 liters or less is not desirable to use plants with large leaves, otherwise, you risk visually reduce the size of your aquarium.

Colorful plants will be able to give the aquarium more contrast and brightness. Please pay special attention to red plants – they are a local focus, respectively, attract attention. With plants of this type it is extremely important not to overdo it, as they will take attention away from important details. That is why, to make the most brightly coloured plants in filing a personal aquarium should with the greatest caution.

Basic requirements for water for aquarium

Pour water into the aquarium directly from the tap is possible, but not recommended. In urban water supply services water is purified, but all the same it is very far from perfect. To buy bottled water is expensive and of little help, it is unlikely the chemical composition of suitable fish and plants.

What then do you do! First, water can defend, but do not cover and do not cover the vessel. Water for General use or as it is called "drinking" chlorine is used to erode him some time, for several days. It is desirable that in the vessel where the water settles, was aeration.

Secondly, pet stores provides a variety of drugs, they are called water conditioners. The most correct option is the second and fastest time. Pouring water straight from the tap you have to heat it to a temperature that is well established in the aquarium. Carefully read the instructions and calculate the proportion of the drug depends on the life of the fish. It is advisable to consult a salesperson at the pet store where you buy the drug on the use and storage rules

Filters for aquariums, their types and features

Фильтры для аквариумов, их виды и особенности

The aquarium ecosystem, usually characterized by the presence of a substantial amount of fish and the insufficient number of decomposers (microorganisms that destroy different kind of organic remains and turning them into simple organic and inorganic compounds). In natural bodies of water, the energy and matter circulate between the plants, different organisms and saprophytes capable of destroying dead organic matter. Artificial bodies of water purity and ecological balance must be maintained. One of the ways to maintain the ecological balance in the aquarium is filtration of water.

In the absence of a quality filter in an artificial pond, feces, particles of food and dead leaves are deposited on the leaf surface of plants and on the soil. The accumulation of waste is constantly rising in the water column and into the gills of fish, preventing them from breathing. Protozoa and fungi destroy dead organic material penetrating into sandy soil (at the same time, emits toxic gases and absorbed oxygen).

Currently, different kinds of filters are quite common. Earlier, the purity in artificial ponds maintained by using siphons (tubes which attach the hoses to drain the water). In modern water filtration systems used to maintain cleanliness in the aquarium, the applied material is able to hold contamination as it passes through a stream of water (after which the purified water flows back into the aquarium). Leading manufacturers produce more than 250 models of filters for aquariums.

When selecting equipment for an artificial pond, you must consider such features as: performance, reliability, filtration principle, construction, additional equipment, design, cost. As a rule, the owners of aquariums tend to pick the filter is less noisy, inexpensive, and quickly and efficiently clean water, reliable and easy to operate. Also, you should pay attention to the models of filters that quickly removes dissolved substances and contributes to the saturation of water with oxygen. Distinguish filters: bottom, inner, construye, cascading, irrigated.

More powerful models of filters useful in the following cases:

  • in the aquarium is many fish;
  • most are in the aquarium fish are predatory or carnivorous;
  • in the artificial pond of live fish, often digging in the ground;
  • the aquarium contains species for which you want the content in water of significant quantities of oxygen;
  • the water in the aquarium bad is blown with air;
  • in the artificial pond contains large animals;
  • the aquarium contains cold water fish;
  • in the pond a few plants or they are absent altogether;
  • the aquarium is deep and narrow.
  • It is believed that the pump filter should be powerful enough that within hours to pump at least twice the entire volume available in the tank water (in the case that there are few fish, but lots of plants). With a small amount of plants and lots of fish, the entire volume contained in the aquarium water should be filtered at least four times per hour. The pump may have a flow controller (quite handy to have a reserve power in case of increase in the size and number of fish).

    The filter used in the aquarium needs to perform its functions consistently and continuously. Usually the pump stops at occurrence of a breakage in the stator winding of the motor or the appearance of any interference with the rotation of the impeller. In the case of stopping the pump, it is necessary to fix the problem, because if the water fails to wash the filter, decomposing dirt, the microbes are killed due to lack of oxygen. At the same time remain anaerobic bacteria (not needing oxygen) that produce ammonia, methane, hydrogen sulfide, just a couple of hours turning the filter into a source of harmful toxic substances.

    Aquarium according to Feng Shui

    Аквариум по Фэн-шуй

    If you start from the techniques of Feng Shui, you will notice that the material well-being traditionally associated with the element of water.

    For this reason, water should be used as a source of attracting wealth and career success.

    The best and most suitable option are fish in the aquarium. But the source of material prosperity to work, you must comply with certain rules.

    So, make a choice of the aquarium according to the method of Feng Shui and have good luck.

    The choice of aquarium

    The first thing where to start is to choose a suitable room where dwell fish. Ideal big. It should be fairly spacious and certainly well-lit.

    Then go to the choice of the aquarium. He certainly should be well in harmony with the room and its size. The size makes a huge difference. Choosing too small of an aquarium limits your opportunities to achieve benefits. The choice is too big for the aquarium room will bring to life a large range of desires, and even worse unnecessary the bustle of life. The perfect solution is an aquarium of medium size and that is important enough, it needs to be like.

    The choice of the inhabitants of the aquarium according to the method of Feng Shui

    Orientation in the selection of fish is, first of all your feelings. Because literally every fish, it is home to the talisman and protector.

    The classic symbol of wealth, of course, goldfish. So the aquarium is set up, in the method of Feng Shui is very recognizable. In this goldfish swim in company with one black fish.

    Goldfish attracts wealth, so these fish should be several. Black fish lives in an aquarium, sweeping away all obstacles in its path and absorbing the negative energy home. Such a perfect combination suitable for sharp career growth, immediate and urgent improvement in the financial situation. With the inhabitants of the house begins to take shape high stable income.

    The number of fish in the aquarium. We must always remember that Feng Shui is the art to read and create characters. For example, the number 9 is the symbol of heaven, and therefore is suitable as another number that is a multiple of 9. Experts of Feng Shui also approve of the number 3, and say that its properties have a positive effect. European culture trust figure 7, it has a great reputation of success and luck. On this basis it is possible, for example to have 6 gold fish and one black.

    Strict rules of Feng Shui in the installation of the aquarium

    Probably the most important is the right of the aquarium in the apartment. A suitable installation location is North, East or South-East. Not allowed to put the aquarium in the South. Since in this case the energy starts the conflict. The South is fire element, and if it does hit the water, the consequences will be most favorable.

    The ideal aquarium setup is choosing the living room or how to hear the familiar hall.

    Does not fit the space:

    • bedroom;
    • kitchen;
    • a room without Windows (corridor).

    In any case it is impossible to put it in front of the door. In this case, luck will just go and the long awaited finances will start to flow away from the house under the guise of unplanned spending and unexpected bills.

    Not do not place the aquarium in a quiet, not too noticeable angle. In this case, Feng Shui suggests that and luck, though not deafening, but reliable and very importantly stable. Such luck will always be protected from envy and gossip.

    In the embodiment, when the aquarium is honorable, a prominent place in the house, good for certain purposes, it guarantees embodied in the life of the most extraordinary and ambitious ideas.

    The last rule in the installation, is its location at eye level. The location it too low makes it difficult for luck to find you. Too high, higher than, can not control life events.

    The interior of the aquarium according to Feng Shui

    Now fashion comes are quite different and incredible design, futuristic or abstract. Fish can swim between planets in the Solar system or in the cabin on the Titanic. Experts strongly recommend not to create the interior, which in any way may indicate the collapse or defeat, what is worse than poverty or death. For this reason, we should not put in aquarium sunken ship a ruined castle or a plastic skeleton. All this is clearly not appropriate goals, well-being.

    Long-awaited good luck

    In Feng Shui there are a lot of rituals. Because without them pushing the furniture at the different required angles, do not expect the impossible happiness. When there is no creativity, games, a certain feeling of magic, no cherished wish fulfillment. Ritual really helps to feel like a real magician and the Creator.

    And for decorating the aquarium, there are special rituals

    First, you need to clean, thereby to bring harmony into the room. To get out, to ventilate, to light incense or candles in the so-called "singing bowls". You need to adjust the consciousness that the moment would be to create the future well-being of the whole house, the financial situation will improve, opening new doors to new possibilities.

    Secondly, it is necessary to ask good luck from heaven. Then record your most cherished desire, the fulfillment of which may depend on the financial situation, and place that paper under the aquarium itself. Then, let the fish in water house, to greet them, to invite them into the house and repeated written request, to thank you for the help. Now with a sense of accomplishment, you can go to the kitchen and drink a Cup of delicious tea. Not forgetting my happy face.

    Positive health effects of indoor aquariums

    Позитивное влияние на здоровье комнатных аквариумов

    In modern civilized society, every person has maximum psychological burden. Frantic pace of life, hard work, a huge wealth of information, the constant exposure to the crowd of their own kind, the intense flow of transport and small family troubles inherent in such a confused state of the nervous system, cause depression, fatigue and irritability. Therefore, each person is simply vital to periodically relax, relieve tension and relaxation. The approval of the luminaries of medicine to reach this state can only be switched to the contemplation of whatever is beautiful. In this sense, the best cure for the spleen, fatigue and exhaustion are considered to be aquarium fish.

    Science found that one hour a day session observing fish in an aquarium, cures for many neurological and therapeutic diseases caused by stress, depression, and psychological stress. To purchase any aquarium and any fish in the pet store, the pet market in the Zoological store Intern. The cost of the aquariums is negligible compared to their healing and aesthetic effect on the human body. On websites pet stores you can choose from catalogs aquarium of any shape and size, of any fish, plants and living organisms to create an ecosystem in the aquarium. In addition, the implementation provided a huge selection of special equipment for life support fish and for the creation of interior design.

    Different kinds of devices compressor type for saturation of water with oxygen, lighting equipment, cleaning devices, which determine the chemical composition of water and its physical parameters. That is, the water temperature, oxygen availability, trace elements and more. Special importance is given to the aesthetic design of aquariums. Pages directory features hundreds of exclusive designs for aesthetic design. This offers plenty of interior decoration items aquarium. Different kinds of stones or other special benthic fillers, stylish gizmos like grottos, caves, skulls, treasure chests, sunken ships and many other original pieces of jewelry that the buyer selects their own tastes.


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