Vitamins for face skin

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Vitamins for face skin>

What is a vitamin?

Vitamins called certain substances necessary for the functioning of our body. There are different classes of vitamins, denoted by letters A, B, C, D, E, K and PP. Vitamin a was opened first. It exists in two forms:

  • Retinol: active form of vitamin A, directly assimilated by the body.
  • Provitamin a: more commonly known as beta-carotene. It is converted by the body.


Vitamin A

витамин А польза для кожи лицаVitamin a is essential to normal growth and development. Therefore vitamin a is necessary for growth of embryo and child. It promotes healthy gums, healing of the skin, thus preventing dermatological diseases such as acne by protecting cells from free radicals, and, therefore, slowing down the aging process of the skin. Due to its beneficial properties vitamin a is actively involved in the resistance to diseases and defeats. Its action on free radicals allows the vitamin to prevent some kinds of cancer.

Vitamin a is present in the body in the form of retinol (in the retina), retinoic acid (in the bones and mucous membranes) and retinostat (in the liver). It comes from animal products (meat, dairy products, and especially the liver) in the form of retinol, and from plant products in the form of carotenes, which are the initial products of retinol. Vitamin a is absorbed in the small intestine, and being fat soluble, it accumulates in the body (mainly in liver). The efficiency of accumulation of the vitamin is reduced during times of stress, illness, and excessive alcohol consumption its reserves are destroyed.

Vitamin a restores the balance of estrogen/progesterone. It contributes to the development of bones, plays an important role in cardiovascular, immune defense and tissue regeneration (skin, mucous membrane of the intestine, scarring). Vitamin stimulates and protects the harmonious growth of the external and internal epithelial tissues (skin and intestinal mucosa) through the promotion of the fight against infectious agents, contaminants and cancer cells. Due to its antioxidant effect, it is an excellent preventive measure against cancer. It helps the body in particular cell membranes to deal with the irritating effects of free radicals. It also helps prevent the development of ulcers and arteriosclerosis.

полезный витамин АVitamins a, E and C have properties of antioxidantsnecessary for the body to protect against free radicals. Antioxidants are essential molecules that help the body get rid of excess free radicals. Oxygen is the basis of any reaction of organism. But during the oxidation reaction the formation of free radicals, which must remain in reasonable quantities, because in excess they are harmful. The role of antioxidants is to neutralize free radicals. Antioxidants are contained in a huge number of products, but mostly in fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin a increases the vascularization of the skin, accelerates cell renewal, stimulates the protective immune system and increases resistance to infections. Beta-carotene or provitamin a is converted to vitamin A. Beta-carotene has antioxidant activity with other pigments carotenoids.

Vitamin a is largely contained in cod liver oil, raw carrots, spinach, apricots, chicory, mango, cress salad.

Vitamin a stimulates the cell renewal process: it prevents skin dryness and accelerates the synthesis of collagen (fibers that keep the volume of the face).

Vitamin a enters the body directly from food (liver, liver oil fish, butter, boiled eggs, cheese) and by means of the transformation in the body, carotenes and carotenoids (yellow fruits, carrots, spinach, broccoli).

Vitamin a deficiency is most often caused by inadequate ingestion of dairy products, eggs, green vegetables. Vitamin a deficiency leads to a decrease in visual acuity, particularly night vision, impaired immune system (reduced resistance to infections), impaired growth, skin damage (dryness and roughness of skin), the fragility of tooth enamel, vulnerability to infections, digestive disorders and photophobia.


Retinoic acid

кожа лицаRetinoic acid was originally used to treat acne in young people, as long as you have not paid attention to its impact on skin texture, its appearance, thickness and elasticity. In fact, retinoic acid has an effect on four signs of aging: dryness, loss of elasticity, thinning skin and wrinkles.

Retinoic acid acts on the skin by means of:

  • stimulate fibroblasts, which are responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • stimulate the development of blood vessels (the formation of small blood vessels responsible for healthy skin tone);
  • regulation of the synthesis of melanin – the pigment that gives color to the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory action.

Retinol is a natural source ingredient retinoic acid. Along with vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, fruit acids, retinol represents the most effective ingredient against wrinkles and loss of elasticity.

Retinol works at the surface and in the depth of the skin. On the surface it has a peeling effect, smoothes the skin giving it a radiant Shine. In addition, it regulates melanocytes, eliminating brown spots. In the depths of the skin, retinol stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, increases the concentration of hyaluronic acid. Retinol smoothes wrinkles, reduces blemishes, tones the skin.

Products that contain retinol, contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. They can not be applied to irritated or affected skin. Avoid getting in the eyes.

The retinaldehyde is one of the natural derivatives of vitamin A. It improves elasticity of the skin and damage caused by sunlight. It is not as effective for wrinkles as retinoic acid, but causes less skin irritation. So the cream-based retinaldehyde can be applied to irritated and responsive skin.

When excessive and uncontrolled intake of vitamin A can cause headaches, fatigue, bone problems, dry skin, liver damage. In addition, vitamin A supplements is contraindicated in pregnant women.

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