FOX boots

FOX boots
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  • Вездеход-ЛПО ООО

  • Вездеход-ЛПО ООО
  • +74952155454 доб 119
  • Лосино-Петровский, Россия
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Description FOX boots

Contemporary footwear for fishermen and hunters is not only durable and reliable boots. Models that are popular and have an attractive sporty design are ease and convenience, without losing its protective properties. Winter boots FOX - it's just such shoes. Initially, EVA shoes this model was designed for boat fishing. The material from which they are made, allows to keep the feet warm even in the water.

Boots FOX suitable for the urban environment, for example, they are comfortable to walk the dog. Nice design allows to wear such shoes, even at work, if you have to go through puddles and slush. You can purchase both men's and women's footwear from EVA the model.

Technology features

· Shoes are made of EVA, a modern material with low thermal conductivity and good damping properties. They do not get wet, not dubeet in the cold and can withstand temperatures of the order of -10 and even -20 degrees for some time.

· Outsole is slip resistant and not cold-resistant. These shoes are suitable for early spring, when the streets are covered with ice and water.

· If you remove the insulation, Boots Fox will be a good replacement for the traditional rubber shoes, for example, parents. Shoes can be worn not only in winter but in summer and rainy in the city or on the nature of their enclosed design protects the foot from all sides.

Convenience and great design

· The design of the overshoe is designed by Italian experts that speaks for itself.

· Comfortable shoes for the long walk.

· Low shaft do not hinder the movement.

· The EVA material has a porous structure and very light, so the weight of the boots is only 500 grams.

Tags: FOX boots,winter boots,Fishing and hunting

Specification FOX boots

Product Details

Reviews FOX boots

Юрий Котов

Купили жене на дачу эти полусапожки .Знали зачем покупали .Работать в них комфортно в любую погоду.Влаги не боятся,а значит после дождя можно заниматься смело своими делами в огороде,ноги по любому сухие.Отличные сапожки.


Брала себе для дачи, весьма довольна. Тепло, сухо, комфортно. Материал качественный, подошва практичная. По грядкам лазить самое то, рекомендую!


Удобно ходить, не промокают. При заказе выбрала более яркий цвет исходя из собственных вкусов. Для меня это идеальный вариант обуви в дождливую погоду.


Заказывала сапоги  в основном для ношения в дождливую погоду. Качество и яркая расцветка просто идеальны. При ходьбе достаточно легкие, практичные нигде не давят и не скользят. А вообще вещь полезная и цена выгодная.

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