It is scientifically proven that fluoride have anti-caries effect and this substance also affects the functioning of the whole organism.

Use of fluoride:

    Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel. The composition of enamel includes hydroxyapatite calcium, the active fluorine ions join with him in connection with the formation of fluorapatite. This compound is more resistant to the influence of metabolic products of cariogenic microorganisms.
  1.  Fluoride is a natural antiseptic. Its compounds have an antibacterial effect
  2. Prevents the formation of dental plaque.
  3. Increases remineralization action of saliva. Fluoride has a positive effect on the functioning of the salivary glands, significantly speeding up the production of saliva. Contained in saliva ions of calcium and phosphorus to penetrate into the tooth enamel and prevent the development of carious process.
  4. Fluorine is involved in metabolic processes. Microscopic doses of fluoride have a beneficial effect on metabolism and overall health. Scientists have shown that metered-dose ingestion of fluoride during pregnancy helps to reduce the depth of the natural grooves (fissures) on the surface of the teeth of the future child who are the predominant area of localization of dental caries.

However, despite all the positive effects, before the use of fluoridated toothpaste, you need to consult with your doctor to know the level of fluoride in the water and to adhere to all the recommendations of the expert. Do not forget that fluoridation is one of the methods of prevention of caries, which should be used with caution.


Excess of fluoride in the human body can lead to the development of many negative reactions from different systems.

  1. Fluoride has neurotoxic effect, especially pronounced in young children. Its excess can cause disruption in verbal abilities, significantly reduce the ability to learn foreign languages, mathematics, affect memory.
  2. One of the reasons for hormonal changes is the high fluoride content in consumed products, water and hygienic means. Fluoride ions accumulate in the tissues of the thyroid gland that disrupts the synthesis of thyroid hormones and decrease testosterone levels, which can cause the development of many abnormalities, including infertility.
  3. Overabundance of fluoride the only cause of the development of fluorosis, which has two forms of manifestation:
  • from the dental system, the disease manifests itself by the development of so-called mottled tooth enamel;
  • bone tissue affected with fluorosis becomes brittle due to excessive mineralization, and violation of the balance between organic and inorganic compounds, this pathology increases the risk of fractures and improves joint mobility.

4. Some scientists adhere to the theory according to which high concentrations of fluoride ions are carcinogenic.

When the choice of means for hygiene of the oral cavity, in particular tooth pastes with fluoride, do not forget that daily the body gets a certain amount of this substance from fluoridated water; food prepared in it; vegetables and fruits. In regions with high fluoride content in water the use of toothpastes with fluoride for caries prophylaxis is not recommended.


First toothpaste with fluoride was released over 100 years ago (more precisely in 1914) in the United States. However, only in 50-ies of the last century, these pastes were improved and found useful. To date, pastes with fluoride are the most common means for cleaning teeth.

Pure fluorine is a gaseous substance, therefore, the paste composition may be incorporated only in the form of soluble salts – fluorides. At a temperature of about 37 degrees and the contact with the saliva of such a compound breaks up and the released active fluorine ions.

The most common fluoride included in the toothpaste

The composition of modern toothpastes include the following compounds of fluorine:

  1. Pasta with monoftorfosfat sodium is ineffective in a quick tooth brushing (less than 3 minutes), because the active fluorine ions from this compound is released very slowly.
  2. Sodium fluoride – quickly dissociates (breaks apart) into ions, so it has higher efficiency.
  3. Olaflur (amino) – one of the latest developments, after using the paste on its base on the tooth enamel remains the film for a long time giving fluoride ions.
  4. Aluminum fluoride.
  5. Fluoride of tin.

    In order to active fluoride ions do not hurt the body needs to follow a few simple rules:

    1. The packaging of toothpaste in the purchase, pay attention to the type of compound of fluorine and a concentration of a part of it.
    2. Before the use of fluoridated means you need to consult an expert, perhaps the level of fluoride in the water region of residence is sufficient, and this paste will only bring harm.
    3. It is not necessary to use fluoridated toothpaste for children under 6 years of age. At this age children do not fully possess the skills of brushing, which can cause ingestion of a large number of hygiene products.
    4. When planning a holiday in other regions should pay attention to the level of natural fluoride in drinking water. At normal or elevated levels of necessary to abandon the use of fluoridated toothpastes on vacation.
    5. To maximally reduce the amount of fluoride entering the body during tooth brushing amount of toothpaste should not exceed the size of a small pea.

    In addition to toothpastes fluoride is part of the rinses, special gels and occlusal records, and dental drugs which are used in a professional office. Therefore, the choice of method of prophylaxis of dental caries is to leave the dentist and to adhere to all his recommendations.
